// There is no reason and no way that a human mind can keep up with an artificial intelligence machine by 2035 — Gray scott //

// origin volume 00.01 //

Dr. Susan Cooper is the leading scientist in the field of robotics in the new city of Robotauri where robots are being used almost everywhere.

Robot HROSAN SAT high atop a shelf IN AN HRO LABORATORY waiting for reprogramming. ALTHOUGH AT THAT TIME IT WAS NOT KNOWN AS HROSAN BUT SIMPLY AS HRO-94. THE ROBOT was designed to serve but it HAD DEVELOPED a mind for other things. Below him WAS a boy working ALONE at a computer. The computer screen flasheD code illuminating the boys face whose wild expression fascinateD THE ROBOT. Did the boy look happy or scared? The robot could not tell. 

The boy WAS Walter Cooper whose recent computer hacking HAD unleashed a series of terrible computer glitches at his mom’s laboratory. Until now, HRO94 has had very little interest in life as a robot - but the “glitches” were unlike anything it had seen before. Perhaps the robot HAD FINALLY found an interest worth its time. 

Walter could feel eyes upon him AND He tracked the feeling to the shelved robots above him and to one ROBOT in particular. Its eyes were darkened but Walter could sense its gaze.

// END ARCHIVE 00.01 // to be continued //